
Posts Tagged ‘clothing’

Xmas in July? Wha??

July 31, 2010 1 comment

When I came home, it felt like Xmas.  Mostly a bunch of stuff I ordered online regardless of when I ordered it came today.  Even though I paid for it all, it still felt like Xmas.  And since there was so much, it really did because my birthday is just around that time as well.  And it was uber fun to open it all.

So, what came today?  The largest package was from Costco — my new knife set.  Because of a very nice little birdie, I was able to snag the set for the low low price of $199.99 before tax. The Saber knives are of top quality without the insane price that usually comes along with it.  I had toyed about the other set that is normally $199, but decided that I had no use for 8 steak knives.  My favorite part of the new set that wasn’t in the other one?  Shears!  I actually have a couple shears so I’ll be testing each one out.  What I wish were in this set but was in the other set?  I like the sharpening tool of the other set — the kind that you set down and pull the knife against.  Instead, this set has a sharpening steel.  I’m sure once I learn how to use it properly it won’t be as much of a problem but it seemed the other sharpener was far more idiot proof.  Idiot proofing that I adore: labeling the knives for what it is (chef or santoku or boning or paring etc)  I’d like to put a review down when I have time to test it all out, but in the meantime, you can go to Cooking For Engineers‘s excellent review of the knives.  I won’t go into nearly as much detail as them but scientists have just as valid opinion as engineers!  🙂  The new block swivels which I like but I think I may just buy a magnetic strip and place the knives there instead.  The block really could be better and it takes a huge amount of room up.  I like the more counter space I can manage AND a sexy place for my sexy tools.  (Are you listening, Rich?  🙂 )

I also got some multivitamins from Centrum, specifically the Centrum Performance Line.  This purchase was actually important in many ways: 1) I bought it through through the United Mall so I will be able to keep my expiring miles from…expiring.  2)  I have not had multivitamin support in over a month at this point as I ran out and haven’t gotten around to finding a suitable replacement (on sale!).  3) This will be third “performance” vitamin I have tried: GNC, One-a-Day, and now Centrum.  My hope is after a month to give a detailed account of the pros and cons of each of these multivitamins.  Remember, its very important not to go cheap on vitamins and often how much you pay correlates to the quality, so don’t go too bargain on these purchases.  Groups like Centrum and GNC spend a fair bit of money for the quality control — as does Kirkland so it doesn’t mean you have to pay out the nose either.  Just keep on eye on the baddies.

The last package was my first purchase from 6pm.  I got some Taryn Rose heels for an upcoming wedding.  At first, I wasn’t impressed with them and was questioning whether it was worth the high price tag (a huge percentage off of a high price is still a high price — but at least I got it during a day sale where there was more of a price cut).  But I have to say the shoe is comfortable.  Still not sure on the price…it’s a very plain shoe but a comfortable heel.  I also finally got some jeans!  In petites as well (I’m super short).  I was a bit saddened when I put them on.  They fit, but they were very tight.  My size 8 clothing have been pretty comfortable on my lately, but it is my first DKNY jeans so maybe their sizes run small.  The big winner?  These $10 shoes I saw and said, why the hell not?  Not super gorgeous, but a good professional shoe that also was pretty comfy!

I would have gotten something else but it was insured and required a signature so the post office left the slip for redelivery.  I can’t wait to get some more Youngblood, my latest obsession…

A nice way to start the weekend!  Coupled with the fact that today was National Cheesecake Day, so my husband and I stopped by the Cheesecake factory for dinner and some half off slices of cheesecake.  (But don’t worry, we brought something back from the Three Dog Bakery for my poochie.)

There should be more Xmases in July!

My Black Friday Scores

November 30, 2009 Leave a comment

I didn’t do so great this year, but I did get a couple things that I thought I’d share. Read more…

Athletic Wishlist

November 16, 2009 Leave a comment

As I sit in bed, regretting the half of a large pizza I inhaled earlier, I feel that I finally have the “calm” in my mind to write this post.  With the holidays coming up, I’ve been getting excited over sales and new products.  Frankly, it’s hard to say which I am first: a hottiescientist or a hottieshopper.  I have a lot of wish lists in my head, and I thought it might be fun and ::cough:: more productive to focus on gifts that actually get me moving off my butt and to a healthier me (as opposed to talking about the swarm of new video games being released this season).  My birthday is right around Xmas, so I get completely hosed every year when it comes to presents.  I have learned, though, how to prioritize what I want in light of this unfortunate timing. Read more…

Dicks Sporting Goods, my new fav sports store

November 5, 2009 Leave a comment

Maybe I’m in a small minority of people who can’t help but giggle that Dick’s Sporting Goods replaced Chick’s Sporting Goods.  But I’m sure I’m not the only one who is VERY happy with the change.  I only knew of Chick’s Sporting Goods because I’d seen it around when I first came to Pasadena years ago.  Chick’s seemed like a fine sporting goods store, but there turned out to be a big problem with it– shortly after I actually got “into” exercise, the store announced it was closing!  That wouldn’t be so bad, but the clearance/closing selection was paltry!

Anyway, Dicks Sporting Goods acquired Chicks earlier this year, and they’ve led a semi-aggressive coupon campaign where I live.  We joined their Score Card Reward program, and it’s done wonders for us, especially when combined with their awesome coupons.  Fact is, we don’t have a ton of dough to dump on anything — who does, these days?  — especially since we bought our first home earlier this year.  But those bonus 100 or 200 Score Points that come in the mail or local flyers have helped us rack up a couple of $10 certificates.  $10 in credit plus $10 off of $25 or $50 has made it way more affordable to buy quality fitness clothing.

…and I do love to look cute as I work out. 😉 Read more…

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