
Posts Tagged ‘physique 57’

Athletic Wishlist

November 16, 2009 Leave a comment

As I sit in bed, regretting the half of a large pizza I inhaled earlier, I feel that I finally have the “calm” in my mind to write this post.  With the holidays coming up, I’ve been getting excited over sales and new products.  Frankly, it’s hard to say which I am first: a hottiescientist or a hottieshopper.  I have a lot of wish lists in my head, and I thought it might be fun and ::cough:: more productive to focus on gifts that actually get me moving off my butt and to a healthier me (as opposed to talking about the swarm of new video games being released this season).  My birthday is right around Xmas, so I get completely hosed every year when it comes to presents.  I have learned, though, how to prioritize what I want in light of this unfortunate timing. Read more…

Kelly Ripa is stalking me

October 18, 2009 2 comments

Ok, she really isn’t stalking me, but she sort of is.

I will hopefully write more product reviews on this blog.  I consider myself a professional athlete of shopping.  I buy quality and I buy at the best prices.  But recently, in my purchasing searches, Kelly Ripa keeps on popping up.

The first is about the Physique 57.  Eventually, the audience of this blog will get to know that I’ve become slowly addicted to exercise (though my current situation wouldn’t indicate that).  I’m a die hard fan of Cathe Friedrich (I feel like I personally owe her for the 45+lb loss over the last two years) — and even when I try to stray from her, I find myself annoyed with inferior video instructors and just happier I dump my dough in her.  She’s fantastic for cardio and she’s fantastic for weights.  But I’ve been wanting to incorporate more “toning” like workouts.  I’ve never been good at pilates frankly, hence my inclination to do STS for three months instead.  But I want to be better.  But I need something more than a pilates class.  I need something that’s CHALLENGING.  That’s why I love Cathe and I hate running.  I get bored.  So something not boring but tough and compelling.  Physique 57 is exploding all over the web forums, sounds perfect for me, and then I find out the cause of the explosion: Kelly Ripa does it and she endorses it.  Holy crap, when did she get that buff? Read more…